Hi, I’m Holli
I’m your premier source for Health and Wellness digital planners, journals, checklists … Printables and more. I will help you master your self care!
As a Dietitian and Wellness professional I have always been conscious of following a healthy lifestyle. In addition, I have always been super organized. But it wasn’t until I had a health scare that I realized the incredible importance of writing things down.
It’s really a very simple concept— when you write things down, habits improve and things get done.

About Holli – The Serious Stuff
Holli Rovenger had lived in the lap of luxury for 20 plus years, only to wake up one day and find out that her (then) husband had lost all their money. The only way to describe her experiences over the last several years, is to say that she was left in a boat in the middle of the ocean without any paddles and needed to learn how to get back to shore. Her self-confidence and ability to deal with life situations is what helped her learn how to “Dance in the Rain,” survive and thrive with a smile always on her face.
Her mission is to empower women to step into their best lives for health, wealth and happiness.
Holli is trained as a dietitian and an entrepreneur. She attended Syracuse University where she received a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Nutrition and Dietetics; and Florida International University where she obtained her Masters in Business Administration (M.B.A.).
She is friendly, outgoing, optimistic, authentic, and extremely honest and trustworthy. She has never met a stranger and would be as comfortable speaking with the Queen of England as she is with the janitor. Holli has two beautiful, fabulous, and empowered children who are the light of her life. When she is not writing or presenting, Holli likes to spend time dancing, reading, cooking, playing bridge or mah jong, hiking, playing tennis or pickleball, skiing, traveling, going to the movies, attending shows, opera, dance and music events.
Trusted Information
Her educational background, work, life and travel experiences, added to her incredible attention to detail, make her the perfect person to publish this site and help you with your Self Care!
I was extremely fortunate to be interviewed by Jean Chatzky for her television show. She was then super generous in allowing me to do this video with her. This took place in 2014 but is still critically important today. Although more women are getting involved in learning finances, I believe we still have a long way to go.
[Information Update—Empowering Women Monthly morphed into The Women’s Inner Circle].

Are you a nice person? Do you ever do nice things for other people? Bring them a gift? Say something uplifting? Of course you do! BUT, what do you do to be nice to YOU?
As a mom, I struggle with finding time to do even the most basic tasks for me, let alone being “nice”! Fortunately, another nice person, Holli Rovenger, “The Enthroned Empress”, has come to my rescue! Holli has taken the time to help me to see that caring for me does not have to be all or nothing!
Holli will touch your heart and lovingly support you to be more loving to yourself!
Holli is a great motivator and a positive thinker. She shares a wealth of ideas and helpful suggestions pertaining to increasing women’s self-esteem and confidence. She creatively uses tools get across her message of empowering women to be their best selves. Her topics and the tips she provides are always interesting and varied; I have incorporated several of her ideas into my own life which has made me feel better about myself.
Instead of wallowing in self-pity over the cards dealt to her, she has chosen to make lemonade out of lemons. Drawing upon her own experiences, she has chosen a personal mission involving empowering women to take control of their lives, finances, health, and overall well-being. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day Holli Rovenger lands in one of those top ten lists in a popular magazine featuring women who are making a difference in the lives of others. Thank you Holli for being a positive influence in my life!
Holli has given we women a helpful road map on how to care and nurture ourselves with joy and ease. She gives practical, easy activities to integrate into our lives, to help bring our awareness and attention to developing our inner and outer beauty.
In our fast pace society where we can easily lose sight of adding self care into our routines, Holli makes the habit come to life. By following her expert guidance you can feed your body and soul with golden nuggets to transform your body, heart and mind.